Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Email Fox News host Laura Ingraham burst into applause on Jan. 17 to the news that U.S. General Mark Milley has been infected with COVID: Triple-vaxxed joint chiefs chairman Mark Milley, our favorite Mark Milley, tested positive for Covid yesterday. And who else? Gen David Berger, the Marine Corps commandant, also positively boosted. The Guardian reports that Ingraham was slammed for her sick joy: Kim Masters, an editor-at-large for the Hollywood Reporter, said Ingraham was “absolutely disgusting and so are [Fox Corporation chairman and chief executive] Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch for giving her a platform”. “These monsters are merchants of death,” Masters wrote. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor-at-large of America Magazine, said: “Laura Ingraham is often described as someone in favor of ‘Christian values’. “But the last time I checked, we’re supposed to love our enemies, not celebrate when they get sick. Jesus had compassion for the sick; he didn’t laugh at them. Not sure when hate become a Christian value.” (Sources: Fox News via Twitter, The Guardian)
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