A viral video from 2021 has gone viral again. The footage shows a White female student assaulting a smaller Muslim student without any interference from the teacher while the class laughs at Chiefland Middle-High School in Levy County, Florida, noted WCJB.
However, the teacher suddenly steps in when a Black girl starts hitting the bully.
In response, Levy County School Board Superintendent Christopher Cowart shared his outrage at social media for making the incident public, claimed the school was “A” rated, and said “student privacy laws prevent the district from commenting on the specifics of any particular case.”
The Student Press Law Center notes that schools often misuse the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to “conceal unflattering information, or unintentionally, because the law is vague and administrators want to play it safe by erring on the side of privacy. Most school administrators are not FERPA or public records experts.”
(Sources: Twitter, WCJB, Student Press Law Center)